
Basildon Golf Course – Special Offers

We’re introducing some fun new offers here at Basildon Golf Course, so please keep an eye on this page to make the most of these.  

Better still, why not sign up to receive our emails so you can be kept up-to-date with what’s going on here – and we have some treats in store for those who let us know their birthday

We will never share your data with third parties and you can unsubscribe at any time. 

Sign Me Up! 

To add to the fun, we've launched a range of Basildon Golf Course

Gift Vouchers

which can be spent on ANYTHING at the Clubhouse, INCLUDING our special offers
The perfect gift for golfers and non-golfers alike
Buy at the Clubhouse or order by phoning 01268 533532 

If you are a group of six or more players, please see our Societies page for more offers.


Buggy Bonanza

On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, two players can play from 10:30am onwards for £26 each
to include 18 holes and a shared buggy!
Just 4 tee times per day will be available at this rate - first come first served

Just call the Clubhouse to book on 01268 533532 and quote 'BUGGY BONANZA' 
Payment in advance. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.

The Basildon Dirty Dozen

This is our longest-running offer. Every week, we release a dozen or so tee times at crazy prices
Weekdays         £40 per tee time
Saturdays, Sundays & bank holidays    £50 per tee time
So four players can play for as little as £10 each - these really are a great deal.

It’s simple to book.

Just view this week’s Dirty Dozen times below then call us on 01268 533532 quoting “DIRTY DOZEN” to book your chosen time.

Dirty Dozen Tee Times
Please note our Dirty Dozen are available on a first-come-first-served basis. If you sign up to receive our emails, you'll be first in line to hear when they’re announced PLUS you'll have access to additional BONUS tee times available exclusively to our email subscribers. 

This week’s Dirty Dozen tee times and prices
(additional bonus times unlocked when you sign up to our newsletter)

Date Time   Price
Thursday 13th February 11:16 11:56     £40
Friday 14th February 11:24       £40
Saturday 15th February 11:32       £50
Sunday 16th February 11:40 12:04     £50
Monday 17th February 11:08 11:32   bonus £40
Tuesday 18th February 11:08 11:32 12:28   £40
Wednesday 19th February 11:08 11:32   bonus £40
Thursday 20th February 11:08 11:32   bonus £40
Friday 21st February 11:08 11:32     £40
Saturday 22nd February 11:40 12:04     £50
Sunday 23rd February 11:40 12:04     £50


Please note these can only be booked by calling us on 01268 533532  quoting “DIRTY DOZEN” and are available on a first-come-first-served basis.
New times will be released every week throughout the season, so if you’re unsuccessful in booking your chosen time this week, just keep an eye on our website or sign up to our emails to be the first to know about the next Dirty Dozen.
Payment will be taken by phone at the time of booking.
Basildon Golf Course reserves the right to change the times or prices, or to stop this promotion, at any time and without notice.